VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: CHRISTMAS TOY GIVEAWAY OUTREACH HARVEST OF BLESSINGS SAT. DEC. 16th (12noon – 2pm). To volunteer please call 410-979-7466 or 717-654-6077. ACCEPTING TOY DONATIONS UNIL DEC. 1st! You can drop off donated any new unwrapped toys in the box next to the sound booth. Let’s help give local children a better Christmas season & show them the love of Jesus!
Now giving out free groceries to anyone in need 4 days a week:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday (11am to 1:30pm)
Saturday (11am to 12:30pm)
Location: 254 W Princess St., York PA 17401
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you would like to help out in any capacity, please contact Jural toby (717) 808-4209. Volunteers are needed from 10am – 1pm.
“Trunk-R-Treat” Neighborhood Outreach
Tuesday, October 31st, all of YCF is gathering in our parking lot from 6pm-8pm to reach out to our community with the love of God during the local neighborhood’s scheduled trick or treat time! Volunteers must be here to set up by 5pm. Everyone is dressing up, handing out candy by positively themed cars. There will also be a PRAYER STATION! Sign up at the coffee center. We need 2 adult workers per car to hand out candy. Please dress up to match your chosen car theme! (All car themes must be submitted ahead of time to make sure there isn’t any duplication.) WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! You can also DONATE CANDY at the coffee center. Call the church office at 717-792-5354 or contact Amber Salmon for more info. Let’s share the love of Jesus with the kids in our neighborhood! Invite your friends and family to enjoy this event. After all, “Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.’” (Matthew 19:14)
Revolution Youth Church gathers each month in a creative way to reach out to the community. We call it SERVOLUTION! They often join in with other ministries around town as a way to promote unity in the body of Christ. Outreaches vary from city, kids, nursing homes, leaf raking for elderly, soup kitchens, block parties, parks etc. For pictures of past outreaches or information on upcoming Servolutions, join us on RYC Facebook.