Vision- Believers all over the world are being confronted with the reality that God wants to live where you live, talk when you talk and walk where you walk! There is no greater vision in living the Christian life! This all starts in and through our own home-fronts! God wants to bring the influence and expression of a bible believing church home with us! All leadership and ministry in a local church must be qualified by these scriptural priorities. If they are not, the plans and purposes of God will not be fulfilled!
God wants our personal lives to flourish with a “Spirit-filled” home life, close intimate friendships and productive ministries! The following priorities will help you “line yourself up” spiritually so you can powerfully step out in the spirit filled life of Worship, the Word and the Work of God! Start each day with a spiritual check-up and get your life in order God’s way!
- RECEIVING THE LOVE OF GOD- All believers must start their real “Church Life” here! The Bible calls this your first love! “We love Him, because he first loved us….” (1 John 4:19) Most believers need to get back to his first priority! The root of all Christian failure is a neglect in keeping ourselves in his “personal” divine flow of love and grace! (Rev 2:4, Jude 21, 1 John 4:16, Eph 3:17-21)a.) Church in the Home Key: Start your day off with thanksgiving for the covenant you have with the Father God! Thank Him for loving you just the way you are! Receive that love in Jesus name!
b.) Church in the Home Key: Take time to remember his unfailing love towards you! Be personal! Talk to him and recount testimonies of his grace! Take time to listen to His intimate thoughts - LOVING YOURSELF GOD’S WAY – Many Christians need personal time to “digest” the love of God into their spiritual system! Through His love for us, we develop a personal respect for what God has done in our new creation! Through this new-found honor we enter into our 2nd priority of truly loving our real selves by desiring to. be sin-free! ( Mk 12:31, 1Jn 4:17,18, 2 Cor 5:17, Rom 12:1,2) a. Church in the Home Key: Every morning we must start our day by confessing who we are in Christ! Truly this is how we love ourselves by showing honor and respect for our new birth! b. Church in the Home Key: A confession a day keeps “low self-esteem” away! We are the sons and daughters of Almighty God! Let’s love & respect ourselves God’s way! (Scripture confession sheets are available by request or mail from the YCF office or Altar Ministry.)
- LOVING GOD BACK IN WORSHIP – What comes down must go up! As God’s blessings come down from heaven, the worship of God will rise up by faith in our hearts! Jesus said,. “God is looking for those of you who will sincerely worship Him in the spirit!” (Jn 4:23) The Bible says, ” don’t rely on outward ceremonies, but worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Jesus Christ!” (Phil 3:3 , 1 Cor 8:3) a. Church in the Home Key: It’s easy to love and worship God when we daily experience His loving protection and encouragement! Pick a Psalm of deliverance out of your Bible each morning and read it out loud in worship unto God! Feel your spirit soar to Him! (Start with Psalm 18 & Ps. 145)-b. Church in the Home Key: A good way to start a powerful time of worship (worth-ship) to your heavenly Father is to confess out loud from your heart to God, His attributes and nature! For example start by saying… “Father God you are so forgiving to me…” Then start singing them!
- LOVING OTHERS WHO ARE CLOSE TO YOU – Be encouraged! As a believer, the actual love of Christ lives on the inside of you! It is more than sufficient to meet any need that your loved ones may have! Having faith in God’s love will activate the power of God! Your home life must be secure in this love first before you can effectively reach out to others!(Prov12:7,14: 1 , 1 1 , 1 5:6, 1 7: 1 , 9: 1 -6)
a. Church in the Home Key: As a married couple, your first real “people priority” is your spouse then your children! As couples we are commanded by God to love and yield to one another as we walk out our faith in Jesus! Then our love can overflow to our children! (Eph. 5:21,25 ; 4:29- 5:2) b. Church in the Home Key: As single adults, your fourth priority in life is to minister love and faith to your parents! Let’s honor (esteem, cherish) them daily! Then God daily promises things will go well! Do you want real “well being”? Daily reach out in love to your parents! (Ephesians 6:2,3) c. Church in the Home Key: Another “people priority” that many Christians overlook are those “special” people whom you bring into your home…you have brought them into covenant with you!! They may not be “blood” family, however, they are to be treated with the same love and honor! - BEING DILIGENT TO WORK AT YOUR JOB – Why work? It can be such a pain at times! The Bible encourages us to work “as the servants of Christ…doing the will of God from our heart”! The Word continues by saying, “if you don’t work, you won’t eat”! Furthermore, scriptures command us to provide for our own families’ needs and burdens and save enough to help others in their needs! ( Ephesians 6:5-9, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, Ephesians 4:28, Acts20:35, 1 Timothy 5:3-16) a. Church in the Home Key: Pray for all those at your job who are in authority each day! Expect a move of God to take root in your work place! There is nothing more exciting than going to work and knowing that the Holy Spirit will be moving in your day! Bring revival to work!!! b. Church in the Home Key: If you are a homemaker or a homeworker, remember providing for your family’s need in cleaning, chores, or “honey do” work projects are important labors of love! c. Church in the Home Key: Attitude is everything in God! Remember, the Word says “do your work heartily as unto the Lord, not as men pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing God”! If we go to work with a willing heart in the Lord, we will have our reward! ( Col 3:22-24 , 1 Cor 9:17)
- ESTABLISH STRONG CHRISTIAN FRIENDSHIPS – One of the most exciting Christian priorities that can help us “line up our lives” is by getting strong Christian friendships! You can start by going to a “friendly” Home Bible Fellowship! This is a higher priority than your personal ministry! Why? The answer is simple! You need strength! (Matt 18:19,20) You need help! (Ed. 4:9) You need care! (Ps.142:4) You need closeness! (Prov.18:24) For correction! (Prov.27:17) For intimacy (Prov.27:9)! a. Church in the Home Key: Everyone needs someone to “bounce” things off of! This gives us a better perspective on life in general! This day-to-day “touch” with someone is called account-ability! Without it purposes are disappointed! (Prov.15:22) Everyday open your heart to someone who is pure in heart…for they will see God for you and in you! Be transparent with God and man! b. Church in the Home Key: Having a prayer partner is a must for any active Christian nowadays! A good way for the busy Christian to do this is through the use of the telephone! Find someone who is going through the same things that you are and call them at a set time each day to pray and encourage one another in God’s Word! You will be amazed how this will change your life!!!!!
- STEP OUT IN YOUR MINISTRY TO OTHERS – Freely we have received! Now it’s time for us to freely give! Since our priorities of life are now in order, we will not be burdened with the cares and conflicts of people’s lives! We can now step forth in the power of the Holy Spirit! “Out of our bellies will flow rivers of living water to a lost and dying world!” (John 7:37,38) Our lives have purpose in God! Every one of us has been set in the church to influence the world around us! (Ephesians 2:10, 1 Peter 4:10-11, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31) a. Church in the Home Key: It’s easy to find out what ministry God is calling you into! When you get deep into the heart of God in prayer…who do you pray for? What do you pray about? After prayer, reach out in some way to those you were praying for or the events that needed to change! b. Church in the Home Key: Take time to open, your home up to a move of God’s love at least once a month! This is called giving yourself to hospitality. The Bible exhorts all church leaders to give themselves to this grace! Through this ministry, many have entertained “messengers” (angels, ministry gifts) unawares! (1Timothy 3:2, 1 Peter 4:9, Romans 12:13)