Revolution Youth Church

486206_426057087448463_1895603280_nWhen We Meet:

RYC gathers (7th-12th grade) every THURSDAY NIGHT (6:00pm-8:30pm). Doors open with “The Mix @ 6” with snacks, music & chill time. Then we start with a group ice breaker game, followed by small group discussions, a message with Pastor Sheri, Worship Band & ending with some hang time. Parent Pick up by 8:30pm.

Our “JV” junior high program (5th-8th grade) meets every Sunday MORNING right after the 10:30am Worship service dismisses downstairs at YCF until about 12:15 in the afternoon.

E.D.G.E. College & Career Group (18 to 29 years) meets up every Wednesday night at 7pm downstairs at YCF followed by an interactive & deep discussions of the Word.

What We’re All About:

Join the REVOLUTION of how we “do church.”  It’s about keeping the powerful message of Jesus and living a Spirit-filled life, but conveying it in terms that reach this generation.  We don’t compromise the life changing message of the Kingdom of God, just ditch the “religious” terminology and boxed “Christianese” culture. Revolution Youth Church launched in November 2011, with a vision to reach the lost and “un-churched’ in the area. RYC focuses on teaching youth to renew their minds, be whole-hearted followers of Christ, what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and how to share their faith. It’s  for youth, BY YOUTH!  While encompassing grades 7-12, we cater to the senior high mindset.  Our student “Lead Teams” run the show and actively share with the rest of their peers in the form of messages, testimonies, worship and prayer.  RYC is also stocked with young adult “Coaches” of the highest caliber for mentoring, discipleship and support.

Mentorship & Community Outreach:

The weekly girls’ small group covers topics of identity in Christ, godly dating, overcoming abuse, sex, and how to make Jesus the first love of your life.  The guys small group builds strong a foundation of faith and servant leadership, while also covering the tough topics that young men face.  RYC also does SERVOLUTION community outreaches.  For more information join us on RYC Facebook.


We believe that it’s important for pastors to have a close relationship with parents, so please let us know if there is ever anything we can do for you.  We would love to get together with you!  We also want to encourage parents to “LIKE” the official RYC Facebook page in order to stay looped in on upcoming events and pictures.

“JV” Junior High (5th – 8th grade):

Join “JV” (5th – 8th grade), meeting every Sunday MORNING in the youth room, right after 10:30am worship.  JV is an excellent bridge program to help our younger students build friendships in different grades and relationships with other youth leaders to grow their confidence to eventually join in with the older teens in RYC.  Our “JV” programs builds a deeper foundation in the Bible along with self esteem and identity in Jesus. (Due to the more mature subject matters covered in RYC, only 7th & 8th graders are invited to join in Revolution Youth Church’s Thursday evening services for 7th -12th grade.)

Upcoming RYC Events (7th-12th grade):

NEW REVOLUTION YOUTH CAMP 2025 @ BLACK ROCK RETREAT CENTER (Sunday June 8th 2:00pm to Thursday, June 12th 12:30pm): This year we’re organizing OUR OWN CAMP for our group of 50 youth & counselors! Spots are limited, since this year we rented out the entire air conditioned Dogwood Motel & Meeting Room on Black Rock campus, which sleeps 1 counselor for every 5 campers per motel style room. 1st CAMP DEPOSIT DUE SUN. AUGUST 4th 2025: Discounted Payment Plan of $25 due the 1st Sunday of each month starting in August. We’re taking all incoming 6th-12th graders & their friends. Total Discounted cost is still $250 for the new dates. (YCF sponsors the additional expense, since the camp still actually costs $460 per person to host.) It’s jam packed with games, sports, teambuilding challenges & creative activities like: Zip Lining, Laser Tag, Archery, Ropes Courses, Giant Swing, Rock Wall, Swimming Pool & Lake, Glow Dodgeball, Frisbee Golf, Kick-Ball, Art Station & tons more! Check out our Camp Album for pics on facebook . The camp is located only an hour away at Black Rock Retreat Center in Lancaster, PA (1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566 ( YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME! ENCOUNTER GOD IN A DEEP WAY & BUILD STRONG CHRISTIAN FRIENDSHIPS FOR LIFE.

For more information: