Pastor Sheri is a graduate of Oral Roberts University, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Interpersonal Communication with a double minor in Business and Human Resources. She then went on to graduate from Rhema Bible College for Pastoral Care in 2006, as well as the Second Mile Ministry Training Program at Guts Church in Tulsa, OK in 2007. She is currently licensed & ordained through Rhema Ministerial Association and is the Associate and Youth Pastor at YCF. Brad & Sheri got married August 21st, 2021 and now serve together at YCF. Brad is a worship leader & together they lead the young adults ministry.
Pastor Sheri has a passion to see the youth and young adults in our region transformed by the love and power of God. Revolution Youth Church launched in November 2011, with a vision to reach the lost and “un-churched’ in the area. RYC focuses on teaching youth to renew their minds, be whole-hearted followers of Christ, what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and how to share their faith. Her weekly girls’ discipleship group covers topics of identity in Christ, godly dating, overcoming abuse, sex, and how to make Jesus the first love of your life. For more information join us on RYC Facebook.
- Office(717) 792-5354