Hope Series Part 4: Hope that Endures!
Pastor Dee Cashman
Even with life’s storms & problems that hit us, we can have hope! Let’s look at how we can have hope that endures in our lives.
Hope Series Part 3: Hope for Deliverance
Pastor Dee Cashman
What an amazing new life we have as a child of God. He promises us that even though we have troubles in our life, He will rescue us. Let’s dig into one of His promises that God said about how He will rescue us.
Hope Part 2: Knowing Hope, Showing Hope
Pastor Dee Cashman
If I’ve received Jesus as my personal savior, what’s next? Jesus gives the answer in Matthew 4:19. He says a follower is a fisher of men. So how do we do that? What does that look like & why would we become fishers of men? Let’s dig into knowing hope & sharing hope.
Hope: Part 1 Living Hope
Pastor Dee Cashman
Even with all the craziness that came this year, there is still hope for the world, our nation & you! Our hope can only come from one place, one person. His name is Jesus. Today, let’s look at our promised hope, eternity.