Identity Series Part 7: What Am I Called To Do?
Pastor Sheri Greene
Pastor Sheri teaches the final message in her Identity series. Everyone has a God given destiny! No matter what mistakes we’ve made in the past, it doesn’t disqualify us from God’s calling. God will rework it all together for good & has given you a story a story to help others. We are qualified in Christ! As we dig into the life of Moses, learn how to find out the specific areas & people you are called to!
Identity Part 6: Jacob’s Journey
Pastor Sheri Greene
Pastor Sheri teaches Part 7 in her Identity series & dives into the transformation story of Jacob in Genesis 25-35.
Identity Part 5: Inheritance to Invest
Pastor Sheri Greene
Pastor Sheri teaches Part 6 in her Identity series & digs into the concept of our spiritual inheritance we have as co-heirs in Christ Jesus & how it was never meant to stop with us. We’re all called to be spiritual fathers & mothers to invest our spiritual inheritance & all of God’s blessings to overflow into others around us.
Identity Part 4: Getting Cozy In God’s Living Room
Pastor Sheri Greene
Pastor Sheri teaches Part 4 in her Identity series. Learn how to truly enter into God’s rest & experience a closer loving relationship.
Identity Part 3: Orphan, Servant or Son
Pastor Sheri Greene
Pastor Sheri teaches Part 3 in her identity series & dives deep into the parable of the prodigal son & his loving father. Find out how you really see yourself, either as a “son” through the eyes of an unconditionally loving father God, or as a servant stuck working in an old orphan mentality.
Identity Series Part 2: Twist of Oliver Twist
Pastor Sheri Greene
Pastor Sheri teaches Part 2 in her “Identity” series. As a culture, why do we connect so well with orphan stories? Something in our hearts often feels lost, undervalued, disconnected & unqualified, like we don’t belong. We often feel like we’re on the outside looking in during worship, church community & reading our Bible. Pastor Sheri digs into why we seem to disconnect for Father God’s unconditional love & how to never go back to the old spiritual orphan mentality again!
Identity Series Part 5: My Identity after Christ
Pastor Dee Cashman
Our new life in Christ is amazing! If we don’t understand our righteousness, we won’t approach God properly. Let’s look at this free gift of righteousness and all the benefits of it.
Identity Series Part 4: Identification
Pastor Dee Cashman
Since you’ve accepted Jesus & invited him into your life as Lord & Savior, how does that change your life? Let’s look at 3 things we are NOW, since we are now found in Christ! Please click here to listen to the message!
Identity Series Part 3: The New Me in Christ
Pastor Dee Cashman
God’s Word says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that we are now a new creature in Christ. So what’s that all about & what does it mean to me in my every day life as a Christian?
Identity Series Part 2: Who are you?
Pastor Dee Cashman
The culture we’re living in would love to slap labels on you about who you are. But God is the one who has already answered that question.
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