Hurt Locker Pt.3 Reacting VS. Responding
Pastor Sheri Greene
Pastor Sheri continues in her series “The Hurt Locker: Part 3 Reacting vs Responding.” How do we get to the point where we never get STUCK in our hurt locker again? Pastor Sheri digs into how to avoid taking the bait of our natural reactions to being hurt. How do we step into freedom from hurt?
Hurt Locker: Part 1 Everybody Hurts
Pastor Sheri Greene
Pastor Sheri teaches her first installment in her new series “The Hurt Locker: Part 1 Everybody Hurts.” Remember cleaning out your locker at the end of the school year. If we didn’t clean out the trash daily & just shoved it out of sight & mind, in time, it starts to spill out & even stink when talking to anyone next to us, when we open our HURT LOCKER inside. Pastor Sheri asks everyone to go on a journey with her to clean out our hurt lockers together with Jesus, so we can all walk in peace, healing, reconciliation, wholeness & unity together.