Sermon Archives

Sunday AM Service
March 29, 2020

Do you see Jesus in the crisis?

Listen to Pastor Dee’s message of encouragement recorded this Sunday for you & watch the live stream video on our YCF Facebook page! 

March 22, 2020

Crisis, What to do?

God wants to shine!

March 15, 2020

Eternity Part 4: Eternal Rewards

Did you know that God sees all that we do here on the planet & has rewards for us?  Let’s dig into God’s word & see what He has to say about rewards.  

March 8, 2020

Disciples Part 2: Transformers Combine

Pastor Sheri teaches part 2 in her “Disciples” series.  When disciples disciple, GATHERING TOGETHER in worship, the Word & then go out into all the world to make other disciples, lives change & the church is alive & thriving.  We just need to invite new people into our world to do life with them along the way, as we allow Holy Spirit to transform us. The church is the most powerful when we gather together in FELLOWSHIP & have each other’s back to fight the good fight of faith! Pastor Sheri shares the 4 characteristics of a church of true disciples. 

March 1, 2020

Eternity Part 3: Heaven

We can all agree Heaven is the place we all want to go to. But have you ever wondered what it’s going to be like? God gives us glimpses of it in the Bible. Let’s see what He has to say about it.   

February 23, 2020

Eternity Part 2: So, What About Hell?

Did you know that all human beings are eternal? So the question is what address will people spend eternity at? Let’s dig into the Bible & see 2 reasons why a loving God would allow people to go to that awful place called hell. 

February 16, 2020

Eternity Part 1: We Are All Eternal Beings

What does it mean to be an eternal being? What does the Bible say about heaven & hell, & how should that effect the way we live our lives on planet earth?

February 9, 2020

Disciples Part 1: Transformers Transform

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gave us the “Great Comission” to go into all the world & make disciples. What does it mean to be a disciple & how then do we make disciples? How exactly are we transformed into the image of Christ anyway? Thankfully, it’s NOT about striving to be perfect! It’s all about receiving his FREE grace empowerment through faith in his Word & allowing HIM to change us & just inviting people to do life with us along the way!

February 2, 2020

2020 Vision Part 4: Get the Inside to Override the Outside

After you’re received Jesus into your life, there’s now a better way to live your life. So have you ever wondered how to live like Jesus & let the inside override the outside? Let’s see what the Word of God has to say. 

January 26, 2020

2020 Vision Part 3: You Got It, Do It!

Do you see our purpose for your life? Did you know God has called you & gifted you to have a purpose for His Kingdom? Let’s see what you have & go do it!

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