BC Versus AD
Pastor Dee Cashman
Pastor Dee gives a fantastic Christmas Eve message celebrating the birth of our Savior & King Jesus, called “BC Versus AD.”
Reasons & Remedies
Rev. Gary Bailey
Guest Speaker Gary Bailey teaches an in depth study on healing in his message “Reasons & Remedies.”
Don’t Turn Off The Faith Switch
Anne Durant
Guest Speaker Anne Durant preaches a powerful message on Healing, called “Don’t Turn Off the Faith Switch.” The enemy will do anything he can to get us to think on something that is NOT true. In John 5:1-6, Jesus asks “Do you want to be made well?” Why do we think the answer has to be as complicated as the problem?! Faith is awakened by hearing & gives substance to the unseen!
Authority in Jesus Name
Rev. Todd Levin
Guest Speaker Todd Levin teaches Part 2 in his in depth series on Healing. God has given you the authority to have your bodies healed!
God Has Been Good to Me
Rev. David Fleming
Rev. David Fleming delivers part 2 of a powerful message of how God has anointed you with creative gifts. Hear how to invest & activate them. God is calling His people to do incredible things for His kingdom!
How to Keep Your Healing
Rev. Todd Levin
Guest Speaker Todd Levin does an in depth and powerful teaching on how to keep your healing. Todd is an ordained minister, graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center & a gifted teacher. He was a missionary to the Czech Republic for many years. During this time he established & pastored eleven churches & founded a Bible Schools, in order to raise up & train national leaders. Todd has a passion to bring God’s healing power to this generation!