Guest Speaker: Reverend Todd Levin, “Extravagant Obedience”
Rev. Todd Levin
Guest Speaker Todd Levin delivered a powerfully challenging message on “Extravagant Obedience.”
Who’s Word Matters Most?
Rev. Todd Levin
Rev. Todd Levin preached a powerful message, “Who’s Word Matters Most?” Who’s report do you believe? We believe the report of the Lord! By His stripes WE ARE HEALED! Just like Naaman the Leper (2 Kings 5), even when things don’t happen the way you wanted, choose to believe word of God!
Your Faith Will Move Your Mountain
Rev. Todd Levin
Rev. Todd Levin taught a powerful message from Mark chapter 11 on the fig tree. Our faith, just like seed, takes time to grow. Remember a delay is NOT denial! We must have faith & patience to inherit the promises of God, because an inward work will produce outward evidence! Don’t give up, your faith will move your mountain.
Living Free From Fear
Rev. Todd Levin
Are we going to live out the dreams that God put in our hearts, or are we going to allow fear to steal it & keep us from stepping out on the call of God on our lives? Don’t let fear tell you, what you can or cannot do! Freedom from fear starts with knowing who you are in Christ. We learned from the book of Job, that it is fear that opens the door as an access point for Satan to steal from your life. Guest Speaker Rev. Todd Levin Taught a POWERFUL message on how to break free from a spirit of fear!
Your Faith Will Move Your Mountain
Rev. Todd Levin
Guest speaker, Rev. Todd Levin, examines the parable of the Fig Tree (Mark 11:12-25) & teaches in depth on why there appears to be delays in our answered prayers at times! Remember a delay is not a denial.
Remembering Your Healing
Rev. Todd Levin
Guest Speaker Todd Levin teaches Part I in his in depth series on Healing. It’s time to remember ALL that Jesus has done for you: HEALING!
Authority in Jesus Name
Rev. Todd Levin
Guest Speaker Todd Levin teaches Part 2 in his in depth series on Healing. God has given you the authority to have your bodies healed!
As Good as Your Word
Rev. Todd Levin
Guest Speaker Todd Levin preached an impacting message on the importance of keeping integrity in all you do. After all, we are only as good as our word. In fact, if we don’t take our own words seriously, how are we to be able to take God’s Word seriously. That alone can keep us from truly believing God’s promises and receiving from Him! Start by taking to heart and acting on James 5:12. When someone asks you to do something, just “let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.”
How to Keep Your Healing
Rev. Todd Levin
Guest Speaker Todd Levin does an in depth and powerful teaching on how to keep your healing. Todd is an ordained minister, graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center & a gifted teacher. He was a missionary to the Czech Republic for many years. During this time he established & pastored eleven churches & founded a Bible Schools, in order to raise up & train national leaders. Todd has a passion to bring God’s healing power to this generation!