All Things Are Possible With God
Dr. Marilyn Neubauer
Dr. Marilyn Neubauer teaches a powerful message on healing. All things are possible with God, but that doesn’t mean all things are automatic! We need to be careful to take captive our thoughts & not rehearse & dwell on negative situations. Let’s look how 3 different people in the Bible received their healing & what we can learn from them.
Don’t Let Logic Or Reason Defeat You
Dr. Marilyn Neubauer
After receiving a miraculous healing from a rare form of cancer, a near death experience with malaria & the miraculous disappearance of a large tumor, Dr. Marilyn Neubauer has a passion to teach the foundations of faith & healing. She graduated from Rhema Bible College & went on to earn a Doctorate of Divinity from Cambridge Theological Seminary.
How Can I Say I’m Healed, If My Body Says I’m Sick?
Dr. Marilyn Neubauer
Dr. Marilyn Neubauer teaches an in depth study on healing. How do you see yourself? What does the Bible say about you?